Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Help Get Your Favorite Blogger (yours truly) Published with

Hi Mommy-Morphosis Readers!

I need your help for a chance to get published with, a wonderful parenting website that has been on the forefront of promoting the best Mom and Dad writers in the blogosphere. Recently they have launched a campaign to "Help Get Your Favorite Blogger Published".  Babble and Hyperion’s panel of editors will choose which blog posts to invite to publish, based on editorial quality and suitability of topic — they are looking for that certain “it” factor that makes a blog post really special. 

Being published would be an honor and help me take MommyMorphosis to the next level. I've been searching for ways to turn my writing hobby into a business - this could be the perfect opportunity! Please think back to your favorite post from my blog and find a few moments to nominate it for the Babble editors.  

Thank you in advance for this and your continued support!

Deanna aka ShoMommy

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