Sunday, September 9, 2012

Happy Grandparents Day!!

On September 9th, we commemorate Grandparents Day. The holiday isn't widely recognized, but I hope to make it special in the lives of my children. Extended family, especially my Grandparents, have played a tremendous role in my life and the tradition continues as my children are especially close to their family elders.

My husband and I are fortunate to have active, healthy parents who adore our kids. As most grandparents do, they revel in spoiling our tots and loving them to the moon and beyond. No one compares to Grandma, Pops, Grandmother and Big Daddy in their eyes!

Take a moment today to call or visit your Grandparents, say a special prayer if they have passed away. Remember the extraordinary love they showered you with; the marvel and wisdom in their eyes. Have your children do the same, so they begin to understand the importance of celebrating their ancestry. We must cherish our golden-agers and let them know that their love, influence and support does
not go unnoticed.

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