Friday, September 9, 2011

A Precious Message

As I type a wonderful woman, and one of my best friends, is in labor. She's preparing to welcome her little girl into the world and I felt compelled to share what I was feeling after I met my little ones for the first time. She and I have spoken a lot over the past nine months. I'd like to think I've helped her figure out what to expect while expecting. No conversation can truly clue you in on the miracle of becoming a Mom. You go from feeling a little person in your womb, to holding your newborn baby in your arms. Nothing can compare!

Dear Nigel and Nikke,

You are my biggest joy. I've never known a love like this. You are brilliant and beautiful. And though you are teeny tiny right now, I know you are powerful! Your Dad and I will prepare for you to take the world by storm one day. In the meantime we will do anything we can for you; anything to make you happy, keep you safe and secure. It is our job to let you know that you are loved more than anything in this world. A genuine miracle, a blessing beyond measure. Enjoy the wonders of childhood. Chase rainbows, play in puddles, spin in the sunshine and laugh until your tummy hurts.

You are innately wiser than you know. You are a King's kid. Learn to trust yourself. Use your noodle. Discover what makes you unique and always be yourself. Don't ever feel like you need to compare yourself to someone else. Know that you can achieve anything and that there are no limits to what you can achieve. Dream BIG. Love God and when the Spirit speaks to you - Listen! Be brave enough to make your own decisions. Listen to your parents and loved ones, we're pretty smart. See a vision for yourself, develop a plan and take one step at a time. Know that I love you and the Lord loves you.

1 comment:

  1. AMEN!!
    And -- GrandPa Skip & Nana Yalanda
    Loves Nigel and Nikke and Your Mommy and Daddy ALWAYS.
